Rihanna is a beautiful and talented young lady, but there are sooooo many things wrong with this picture. Well, okay, there may not be a lot of things wrong, but the things that are wrong are glaringly wrong.
First of all, unless she dropped the sleeves of her blouse/dress to reveal her tattoo--Ladies, it is a huge faux pas to wear a regular bra with a strapless item. Now, Petra is the sort of clever lady who simply forgoes strapless items because she can't stand the discomfort of strapless bras, but if a strapless item one must wear, please, choose a bra that doesn't show! I've never tried those adhesive bras--maybe those are more comfortable than the underwire type.
Second, that tattoo...oh, Honey. While you're young and daring you may think it looks hot, but by the time one turns forty, that is the sort of thing that one usually regrets. And by the time you're sixty, it's gonna start to droop. A droopy rose may still have its faded charm--a droopy gun just looks silly.
The earrings are a matter of taste. I kind of like them. My son, on the other hand, hates big hoop-style earrings on women. He thinks they make a lady look like a tramp, whether she is or not.
So, Rihanna, if the fashion police are patrolling your neighborhood, you might be wise to lay low for a while!